
Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's a Reading Ranch at Johnston Elementary

Welcome to the Reading Ranch!

I'm really excited about the Johnston Elementary library theme "Reading Ranch".  The back wall says "Wrangle Up A Good Book" and has WANTED READER posters.  I also have a stand-up cowboy display that students can put their face into!  The first week of school, I want to take a picture of each student as a "cowboy reader" and create a WANTED READER poster for each student.

The 'log' ranch sign has a big impact factor, and it was easy to make!  My mom got three long boxes from her work, a nice lady at Ace helped me pick out paint, my husband constructed the supports, and I had fun using my Cricut to make the sign.  It was a team effort and turned-out nicely.  I can't wait for the students to visit the Reading Ranch!

Photos from my other libraries will be coming in future posts.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great motivation idea. I love the piece about taking photos of students in the standup cowboy display.
